Friday, April 27, 2007

Local Planning, Far-Reaching Results

It really helps when government people go into the community and use the meetings and gatherings that already exist, rather than convening special city government town halls to communicate information…

The more we meet with our neighbors in settings and forums that they convene in, the more the message gets communicated that we want to work with groups that are functioning in effective and healthy ways."

Arrietta Chakos, Assistant City Manager of Berkeley, California, said this. She participated in the Working Group on Community Engagement in Health Emergency Planning, the panel that produced the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center report.

Some states have already reached out to local communities and even tapped grass-roots groups. Community health departments in Seattle, Washington, and Berkely, California have partnered with local leaders and other concerned citizens to increase awareness of bird flu and the importance of preparing for a pandemic.

They are able to create networks to further this humanitarian cause by capitalizing on communities’ intense interest to be politically involved.

Certain academic communities also seem keen on being safe than sorry. Recently, Harvard planners performed an “on-real time” drill to actualize the management plan that it has prepared. Its Incident, Crisis and Management Support Teams implemented the Central Administration’s recommendations on pandemic planning, incorporating them into the University’s emergency response system.

The number of events, conferences, and workshops with actual emergency drill-exercises on pandemic preparedness is also growing, which addresses somewhat the need to promote an awareness of bird flu in the communities.

An online bird flu news source reports that a Bird Flu School Planning Summit is being scheduled on May 21 in New Jersey ( I have come across reports of non-governmental organisations being formed specifically to stand against bird flu: our warriors against mutable flu viruses and their feathered steeds.

Glad to find that certain local groups and scattered individuals here and abroad realise that the risk is far too great to be ignored.


Anonymous Leona Knight said...

How are you Jane, and how is your health? I believe your condition is getting better.And I also hope you are taking Hormonal therapy to stop the growth of the cancer cell. sorry for the pain you passing through. I have prepare another medicine cure to you mentioned with your name, to eliminate those cell totally and I will send it to you tomorrow through Emm courier service, am not going to use DHL again.
Jane, This is the secound time am using my money to prepare your herbal medicine and am still going to pay for the shipment tomorrow, so as you receive your package, you will pay me back my money before you start drinking the herbal medicine.
I will get back to you tomorrow with the tracking number tomorrow. Heath is wealth.Have a nice day Jane..

Dr Akhigbe

October 6, 2019 at 3:05 AM  

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